Help inside the Hard Hat

While this time of year brings some excitement at the thought of carving pumpkins for Halloween or cosying up in front of a nice warm fire as the nights get darker and colder.

The change in seasons can be quite a challenge for some people, with the prospect of winter leaving you feeling less than positive.

In a ‘normal’ year, the change in seasons can bring about a change in mood.

This year, in the shadow of a global pandemic, looking after your mental health as we head into winter feels more important than ever.

Jada continues to support and encourage positive mental health among our employees and this winter we are raising awareness of Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity Help Inside The Hard Hat campaign.

Help Inside The Hard Hat is raising awareness of poor mental health within our industry and highlighting the huge range of pro-active support and resources available through The Light House Clubs including 24/7 Construction Industry Helpline.

#helpinsidethehardhat #positivementalhealth