16 June 2020
Working as PSCS, The proposed works consisted of the demolition, construction and fit-out of an existing building. The existing commercial light manufacturing building will house the Headquarters of the Clare branch of the Civil Defence and Clare County Council’s Records Management Repository.
Jada Construction erected site hoarding and provided site security. Works included the re-instatement of public footpath surrounding the building as necessary, the change of use of the existing ground floor retail unit to office accommodation for the Civil Defence, carrying out of alterations and additions to the existing building, amending the internal layout throughout the building, and to construct a new two storey entrance lift well to the building to provide additional access to the first floor office. Alterations were also carried out to the existing on site car park. New signs and a barrier system were installed.
Jada Construction also provided new additional connections to the public water mains, full Mechanical and Electrical works and all ancillary site works.